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Council of

Fractional CXOs

Fractional CMO, Fractional CXO, Fractional CFO, Fractional CTO, Startup Consulting

Our Purpose

India currently is a nation pulsating with entrepreneurial spirit, there are more than 100000 startups today and  these startups represent not just business ventures, but the dreams and aspirations of a new India. 

And these dreams need help to become reality.

The Council of Fractional CXOs could be that guidance and support if we all come together in this.

The Council's purpose is to extend a nurturing hand to these nascent businesses, offering the wisdom and experience of seasoned professionals.


It's not merely about business strategies or marketing tactics; it's about imparting the lessons of resilience, innovation, and ethical leadership that only seasoned CXOs can provide.


This collaborative platform embodies a spirit of altruism and optimism, where experienced leaders commit to fostering a new generation of entrepreneurs. It's a journey of mutual growth and learning, where wisdom meets passion, and experience ignites innovation.


The Council is not just an association; it's a mentorship haven, a guiding light for the bright minds shaping India's entrepreneurial future.

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